TF Creative Zodiac - Portfolio - Wordpress Themes

General Features

- This is really good for increasing page views (for like 100% and even more) and improving overall user experience
- Support Back and Forward buttons on your mouse with animations (feel free to try it yourself right now!)
- Support Mouse Wheel for the Scrollbars:
- Scrollbars – are automatically added if your content in blog posts or pages is bigger than the height of the main container. No kidding, it just automatically pops up when and where you need it.
- Unlimited number of Galleries / Porfolio pages
- Unlimited number of Pages
- Unlimited number of Blogs and blog posts
- Unlimited number of Comments
- Search (again with no page reloading as promised)
- Full support for URL linking (e.g. so you can tweet your latest blog posts with direct link!!
- Revolutionary and yet so simple Contact form with awesome field validation (see for yourself)
- Extensive Theme Options Panel
- Click here for the screenshot of Zodiac’s really amazing and complex Theme Options panel
- You can edit literally every piece of text – great if you want to translate everything to your language
- Intro page with 3 link-boxes
- Can be completely disabled in Theme Options Panel, so the user can land on a page, gallery or blog directly. You just choose which one you want and it’s set.
- Images of those introboxes can be easily edited in one really simple and ready PSD file without any clutter around. Here is a that PSD saved as PNG file, ready to use on live website (link)
- Many “small” PSD files for almost every “piece” of design and 1 big PSD file with the whole site. We both know that this is very handy.
- Well documented – HD video screencast on how to setup everything
- Amazingly light and sleek new lightbox (officially called “colorbox”)
- Pre-installed TimThumb PHP script for dynamic image resizing
- Just upload one big picture and you are done! This scipt will automatically resize the picture and use it thoughout the theme.
- Don’t like automatic resizing? I got you covered. When writing a post, you can manually resize and upload 3 sizes of your image (small, medium and large) and fill the URLs into custom Write Panel.
Download Demo
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