Thank you for choosing CosmoThemes and purchasing one of our Premium WordPress Themes – your choice is greatly appreciated! I love it! is a content sharing WordPress theme suitable for different posts formats:
- image posts,
- video posts with automated thumbnails creation, self-hosted videos
- audio posts,
- posts with attachments,
- combination of all content types.
Built-in lightbox login and registration
Let your users login or register without leaving the page. The built-in eye-candy AJAX form will pop-up when trying to enter site’s prohibited areas, such as “Add a new post” or “View NSFW posts”. Users can also register/login to your site using their Facebook accounts.
Front end submission
Let your registered users upload posts directly from front-end. The front-end submission permits users to choose their post format: image, video, audio, text and attachment. Each and every single format can be enabled or disabled.
Users can also edit or delete their own posts directly from front-end.
User profile page
Every registered user can edit his profile from his personal account page which now offers avatar upload, password change and other personal data edit.
Love your posts
Enable the “Love” feature to let users raise in rating your posts. When a certain post reaches the limit of 50 likes it will become featured. The like limit can be changed from backend while the number of likes for all posts can be randomly generated.
Mainpage format
Set your blog mainpage to display either Featured or Fresh posts, or both. Mainpage is also available as a static page.
Tooltip helpers
Ever wondered how to tell your users of a specific feature or important message on your site? You can now achieve this with theme’s built-in tooltip manager. You can use it on every single page on your site being able to add an infinite number of such hints.
Navigate using keyboard keys
Use keyboard’s J, K, L, C, V and R keys for different actions on your site: scroll to next post, scroll to previous post, love a post, comment post, view post or display a random post. These keys combination are now working on post page as well.
Human time
Enable human-time to let users know when the post was added. Switch back to the native WordPress time format from settings.
Facebook versus default comments
You can either enable the default comment system or opt for the Facebook comments.
Add your Facebook application ID so you can moderate comments.
Multiple slide-shows
You can create an unlimited number of slideshows and define different ones for desired pages or posts.
Sidebars and widgets
The site uses unlimited sidebars for you to be able to insert as many widgets as you need to get the most of your theme: Categories with icons, Content tabber (hot posts, new, comments, tags), Flickr, Twitter, Latest posts, Social media, Top authors, Submit content.
Select a different layout for each of your posts: containing a left sidebar, a right sidebar or displayed full-width.
Social media ready
All posts have built-in social-media share buttons that users can click and promote any content of your web-site. Enable or Disable them for any particular post or page.
Other features
The theme also uses built-in breadcrumbs, dropdown menus, image resizing, 100+ shortcodes, built-in related posts and social-media sharing, and comes with an extensive documentation to help you get started.
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